I recently read an article about global warming and how drastically it is effecting not only the arctic but places everywhere around us. This personally scares me and I feel that action needs to be taken. I have always had a belief that global warming was not good and that it needs to stop but this article has made me realize how serious this matter is. For some animals such as some reindeer, global warming is actually good for them because the moisture from the heat is making the plants that they eat grow so finding food is easy for them. Other animals on the other hand, such as the caribou have not been able to adjust there calving season so there population is decreasing. Though the growth of these plants is good for the reindeer, it is not good for the environment because there is an over population of plants in those areas. The reindeer would have been fine with the plants that the environment has provided them with. All of this is happening now and will continue to get worse if we do not do something about it. Making a change is really not very difficult at all. What we can do is simple if everyone would just carpool more often and save gas in anyway possible and use less electricity. By doing this, we could create a huge difference.
14 years ago